
  • Tension headache
  • TMJ pain and/or headache
  • Luteal or period headache
  • Sinus headache
  • Earache and/or headache
  • Medication & drug-related headache

Although both conditions occur in the head, migraines and headaches are not the same, with headaches generally not having the intensity nor the debilitating effects suffered by those with migraine.

A migraine is usually an intense pounding pain in the head that can last for hours or even days. The pounding or pulsing pain usually begins in the forehead, the side of the head, or around the eyes. Having started, the pain just gets worse. Almost any movement, activity, bright light or loud noise seems to make it hurt more. Migraines can often be accompanied by nausea, a drop in appetite, visual distortions or auras, diarrhoea or constipation, dizziness, a weakened body and an intense desire for calm and seclusion. Some people have migraines frequently, up to several times a week, whilst other people only have a migraine occasionally. Migraines can occur at any age, even in children.

Various triggers have been identified that may cause the onset of migraine. Nevertheless, the acuteness and severity of pain has not been able to be explained neither has the exact cause of the condition.

Although headaches may sometimes be severe, the pain felt is generally less intense than with the pain of migraine. Headaches can last 30 minutes or several hours and most will go away on their own or after drinking a glass or two of plain water. They are generally not a sign of something more serious, though if headaches start to occur or are unusually severe, it would be wise to get these checked by your G.P.

Nearly everyone will experience a headache during their lifetime. For many, medication can quickly resolve the problem, especially when headaches are only occasional. For some, headaches are more frequent or chronic, and reliance on pain-killers may sensibly be regarded as not a healthy way to continue, especially when natural treatments have been found to be effective.

Research conducted in the UK had 39 participants receive 3 Bowen Treatments over a 2 week period, followed by a 4 week observation period. 80% of those involved experienced a decrease in frequency, severity or both.

Over the years at Better With Bowen we have consistently found that the gentle and non-invasive moves of the Bowen Technique can help a diverse range of sufferers with pain in their head, often having a complex range of symptoms resulting from a variety of causes. We have a successful outcome for the vast majority of people who come to us for the treatment of migraine, headache and TMJ pain.