The Benefits of treatment with Better With Bowen

  • High level of satisfaction
  • Long established dedicated professional practitioner
  • Effective and safe treatments to people of all ages
  • Full guidance given on how to help yourself

At Better With Bowen not only will you receive the effectiveness of treatment with the Bowen Technique you will benefit in so many other ways as well. You will receive guidance to help you understand the problem, on how to lessen and manage pain, and gain insight into the prevention of future injury and pain.

As I aim to give you the best and most appropriate treatment, I always keep up to date with professional development, and research fully. I have appropriate insurance and belong to the professional regulating organisations. You can rest assured you have placed yourself with a professional and committed therapist.

How can Better With Bowen help?


Helps determine root causes and I help the client to understand what s/he can do to participate in a successful outcome.

Detailed assessments including orthopaedic tests

Helps determine where I need to work and what I can do that will be most effective. If I address only the area of pain, 70% of the time I will be in the wrong place.

Gentle treatment

With no reported adverse side effects, the Bowen Technique is suitable from newborns to the frail or elderly and for those in severe pain.

Treats a wide variety of conditions

Whether structural or functional I can help relieve your pain whether from recent injuries or for problems that have been around for years.

Most often, only a few sessions are needed to alleviate complaints

Even if the problem is long-standing, by working with the participation of the client, I am able to ensure that most ailments are resolved in a short time.

Effective resolution of problem

Once dealt with, the problem will not return unless there is a re-injury.

Guidance in suitable and effective exercises

I always give suitable and manageable exercises, tailored to the client's need enabling the client to help his/herself.

Guidance in postural correction and diet

As so many of us get into poor postural habits, which often help a problem linger and worsen, posture is always assessed and I then give suitable guidance to the client.

Available 5 days a week including evenings

Treatment can be done to fit the client’s own schedule

Available on the phone

I'm always willing to answer questions and/or give suggestions following treatment.

Having experienced pain and trauma from serious injuries myself, I understand the difficulties involved in the recovery process. I continue to follow and develop a broad interest in all aspects of health matters, plus continuing professional development is mandatory for all registered and accredited Bowen practitioners.